Monday, February 2, 2009


For a change of pace, I offered to read to Gabi the Narnia books. She wasn't sure she'd be interested at first, because the covers looked dark and scary. But I had just finished them all (I some how never read them all as a kid) and determined that she'd like them though I knew there would be moments she would need to have a Mom or Dad help her through (she's a sensitive kid) - but really, the books aren't nearly as dark and dreadfully scary as the movies try to be.

Anyway - the writing is a little above her - mostly because they were written in the 1950's and using English jargon (not American). I stop and explain things that I know she wouldn't understand and if I miss one, she's quick to stop me and ask so that she's not lost in the book. We're on book number five! She loves them and wants to keep going through them.

I especially love when C.S. Lewis builds up to something (or rather someone) and she's able to suddenly shout out what or who it is. It's one of the many ways that I know she's actually listening and getting something out them... and the excitement is so precious.

She will pick them up on her own and read from where we left off. Sometimes she fully understands the chapter(s) she's read and other times she'll ask me to read it over since she didn't fully get it herself. Regardless, we've talked alot about them - some of the symbolism - and she's really picked up on the recurring theme of a need, a darkest moment, and a good triumph. When she thinks it sounds like we're coming into a "darkest moment" she'll ask if this is the darkest moment.

She hates to wait to know what is going to happen - she's not big on the suspense thing. As soon as the suspense gets too heavy she's begging to know how it turns out. This is the hardest part for her - because we always tell her that we'll just have to keep reading until we find out, otherwise it takes the fun out of reading. She's not too happy with that answer, but she accepts it and we read on.

She's already been telling Bethie all about them. Beth is excited to get in on the series (though I think she's still a bit young) and Gabi keeps telling me she can't wait until we're finished with the books so we can start them all again with Beth!

They are certainly a treasure that will be well loved in our house for years to come. It's nice to have something to read with her - not just the books she reads herself. I love these moments - these special connections.