Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Prayer Rocks

Our first real art project was painting rocks. This is something I always enjoyed. The kids love it too... But this time we had a purpose. Each kid was painting their own prayer rock. I told them what they were for.... put on your pillow so you'll "knock" your head reminding you to say your prayers at night, then toss on the floor so you'll "stub" your toe in the morning and remember morning prayers. Well, they love their rocks... they tend to put them somewhere they can see them.. but not hurt themselves on them! :)

Peter was especially happy with this project since it was his first time using a paint brush. I have to admit, I've not been very good about "paint projects" since number three came along. It just got too messy with that many kids. I've had to "ease" back into it. Now I miss the finger paints!

Yes, Jeremy is wearing a pink jacket... it was ruined years ago, so it's been in the "paint smock" pile. He's just the right size for it... the girls can't use it any more! He didn't seem to mind.. he was too happy to be in the middle of the mess!

1 comment:

The Bertone's said...

Love the pink jacket! :) I hope that you had a good time painting! I know we usually do, and I know how you feel about the mess thing!