Friday, May 1, 2009

Green Up and Frog Eggs

Last week was a "vacation week" meaning we did not have the little baby to watch (something we started doing about three months ago now). That meant we could make some plans... since we normally spend that as a family going some where, and since Dad was booked with a cabinet job, we thought up some field trips we wanted to do.... here's the first....

Spur of the moment... we got together with some friends on April 22 (Earth Day) to do a little "Green Up" and hunt for frog eggs. Our family often does green up walks around our neighborhood, but this would be on a nice trail... something with friends... the frog egg part was of most interest for them though.

It was a lot of fun to watch friends get together racing around to see how much trash they could pick up while also keeping eyes open for frog eggs. Gabi's friend spotted them... it was really amazing how well she was able to see them... and then she proceeded to teach my kids how to go in after the "bunch" and pull them up and out. My three oldest ones tried, but in the end, it was Gabi's friend who gathered the eggs and dropped them into the two jars we had.

I also loved watching how all the kids interacted so well together. Age was not important, every kid was important and every children treated the others with respect and concern. I love that! Thanks, Kim, for inviting us along... we had a wonderful time!

Along the way, we also saw some busy beaver activity... several small dams were about... another neat thing to see... and as my friend's son called it... "the beaver hotel"! How cute!

Frog eggs are new for us... before we left, we got together one jar, but Jeremy insisted that he have his very own... in the end... well, we have more frog eggs than any one family would ever need. We brought them home and deposited them into a little swimming pool that was already complete with dirt, leaves, and rain water.

I'm not sure how they are doing.. since we've never done this before. The eggs were still intact when we put them in the pool... yesterday I went to look (just over a week from getting them) and they were no longer "separate eggs"... I don't know if this is normal or not...Link it did seem as though there were at least a few little "swimmers" there too... I'll check them again tomorrow and see what we've figured out.

Along with this "theme", Gabi brought home a book on the frog life cycle... we're going to have each of the kids draw their version of the life cycle, we're going to make origami frogs - and have jumping contested, and we've even got a card game to help learn about the frogs too... so we'll play that. The life cycle seems to be "long" from what we've read, though it does vary, so we'll see how it all turns out.

You can see more picture of our adventure over here.

1 comment:

The Bertone's said...

I used to love collecting frog eggs as a kid, and watching them grow into frogs! So much fun!