Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Outdoor Adventures

We enjoy getting outside when we can. Physical Education (aka Gym) is something we have to make sure we do. Normally we enjoy kicking the soccer ball around and going for various different walks. We even dance to music. Kind of do whatever seems to interest us at the moment.

Well, we are also involved in Rec Sports, so, with soccer starting up next week, not only have we been kicking the ball around, but Gabi has decided she needs to run around our garden (we have a HUGE garden, folks). She runs around it 4 times, although she hopes to eventually run around it 6 times. I suppose I should measure it just to know how far she's running!

And where better to get our imaginations working! Reading outside is a favorite. Although most of the time the kids are playing while I'm reading to them, this particular time we had prepared a picnic and then finished with Beth and I taking turns reading to the others after we were done eating.

They also decided to build their very own volcano. I thought they did a very nice job!

1 comment:

The Bertone's said...

Very nice Volocano! I would also like to see how far she is running!! :)