Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ready, Set, Learn

After a long and thoughtful process, our family has decided to home school. Although I recognize this option is not available to everyone, nor is it right for everyone, we have prayed about it and know this is right for us for now.

It was not easy getting started. Gabi went to kindergarten in public school last year. She enjoyed herself in terms of the fun and friends. But she was also frustrated when things didn't go as quickly as she'd like, or she'd find herself working alone because she was ahead of her peers. We are in a very small school district, where the school size seems to be continuing to decline, at least for now, and so the two schools nearest us are in the process of what appears to be a "phase" out. And the resources available for a child like Gabi are not sufficient.

Knowing that, above all else, family unity is important. And knowing that family unity involves time together interacting... not just eating and sleeping... We've decided home schooling is the best option for us.

Even with all that, we let Gabi decide. Knowing we'd be home schooling her siblings, and knowing that we'd like to have her here with us as well. But also knowing that she needed to be accepting of that or it would not work. She flip-flopped a lot all summer long. And finally, when it came right down to it, she chose to home school.

In setting things up, we took into consideration key elements taught in the gospel that learning is a life long experience, that we should gain whatever knowledge we can in this life - both spiritual and secular, and that spiritual knowledge should always come first. Thus we are embarking upon an adventure to teach our children HOW to learn, and pointing them in the right direction. We are taking every opportunity that life brings to us to teach our children in a real world, hands on way. Most importantly, we are praying for the Lord's guidance as we teach and instruct and prepare our children.

And so, there you have it - in a nut shell. And here we are....

Ready, Set, Learn

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