Thursday, October 2, 2008

Using The School

I know there are some people who believe in order to home school you must do everything yourself. There are others who believe that you can do anything as long as you don't let your child enter school. Everyone has their own reasons for their thoughts on this subject. That's good. Because each individual, each case, each family is different and has different needs.

So, with that in mind, I thought I'd let you know that we've decided to try out partial time at school. It's something we considered doing, but knew the schedule would conflict with nap time at the school she would have normally been attending (since we're interested in the specials - art, music, library... that kind of thing). We received a call from the school next door (the one that is closing after this year, and which has kids from grade 2 through 5... the younger kids already bused out to other schools). They were offering us the option to let Gabi join these specials along with the 2nd & 3rd grade classes (which are combined). So, we accepted on a trial basis. So far it seems to go well.

She's doing art on Monday afternoon, library Tuesday afternoon, and music (where they are learning theory!) Wednesday afternoon. PE (or gym) is on Thursday afternoon, but it runs right up until the end of the school hours and they aren't letting the walkers leave until both bus runs have come and gone (for safety reasons) and we have to leave right off for Gabi's dance class. She would not have time to get changed. Since she's doing an hour and 45 minutes of dance every week and playing on the rec soccer team, I figure she's getting her exercise for now. We might see about making other arrangements for her to get right home so she'd have time to change and might try it next week.

She likes it... it seems to be helping with some of the structure, and she can do it because the school is literally right next door and so she can walk there and back by herself (no interruptions to nap time!). We're continuing to have our own "craft/art time" and "music time"...although getting to the library is still a scary thought for me (the baby isn't so good with books yet!)... so I'm glad I don't have to stress about that right now.

Anyway, I believe that home school is an experience which allows the child to learn and to grow at a pace, and in a way, which is right for them. One which teaches them values and empathy, while cultivating talents and appropriately challenging the academic mind. It is an experience which utilizes the best of all resources for an individual child. And that, I hope, is what we're doing. It's certainly what we're trying to do.


The Bertone's said...

I completely agree with you, and hope that this works out well for Gabbi. Hunter really misses her! :)

Nicki said...

How wonderful it is to be just next door. I take Emily to the school for phys ed this year. Once a week is as much as I want to commit to. Last year she went to the school for Music and Art, but we are doing those at home this year, too. It's too bad your school next door will be closing after this year. It sounds as though it works well for you. What a great transition, though.

berrypatch said...

Hi! I followed here from Monica's blog. If you don't have a library or your library is open less than 10 hours a week, you can use the Book By Mail program. I LOVE it & I can request all my books on-line. They are mailed to me (free) & I have to pay to return them or I just bring them back myself every month or so. Here's a link...