Monday, June 8, 2009

Tad Poles

Our little eggs have hatched... the little tadpoles so tiny they were merely specks in the water... okay, so that was all weeks and weeks ago... like they were done with that about a week after we found them, maybe less....

They've been growing... Gabi loves to check on them daily. So much fun for her. She is, however, like her mother.... impatient.... though I've had lots more years to work on that.... she's trying to be patient, but frogs are not like caterpillars....

The caterpillars went from caterpillars to butterflies in about a week total. Frogs take much longer... the average time being about 3 months (from what we've read) though some can take a year or longer.. and very few can take less.

Our little tad poles are growing... they still have tails.... but there are starting to be signs of little legs starting to "sprout" (if you want to call it that). It's fun to watch them get up on the side of the pool, hold themselves there for a moment and then slide back into the water.

Though it's slow going, at least Gabi has fun watching them and playing with them. We tried to take some pictures (I had to delete off a bunch of pictures to make space for other ones so I'm hoping the ones I kept were ones you can see them in... but they are small... and black... and blend in nicely the with the muck!)

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