Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Reading Adventures

Jeremy is learning to put letters and sounds together. He's known his alphabet for quite some time, and with early reading sisters, he's heard the letter sounds since he could remember. So we've been working on his reading. Whenever he gets "bored" and starts to annoy his sisters (laughing all the while), I suggest that he go and get a book or two to read to me. He knows this means the ones with just a few words on the pages, and promptly runs off to get one or two along with his book light (the girls each had their own and that just wasn't fair).

We'll sit together and he'll sound out what words he "has to" and then finish a sentence based on what he sees in the picture. For a three year old, that's remarkable, so I don't complain too much. I do encourage him to sound the word out - and even make him go over the word if I notice he's "reading the picture" and not the word.

He also loves time on the computer, so he now knows he has to work at Star Fall first, and he's also encouraged to explore Super Why from PBS. Both are designed for interactive fun. I really like Star Fall for the phonics and the very basic beginning set up. Super Why, although it has some stuff for learning to put words together, it's main focus is comprehension.

Jeremy loves that he gets to "read" to Peter.... just like the girls do!

1 comment:

The Bertone's said...

That is so cute! :) Hunter likes to try to read to Rachel and Sage too. Sage likes to pick up books and tell the story based on the picture. We are still working on getting the alphabet done! :)