Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Working Simple Math Skills

We love to play games. Games are a wonderful way to learn things, to practice things, and yet some how the kid doesn't think they are "learning" anything. Okay, sometimes they realize they are. But still, it's the fun that matters.

Gabi understands simple addition and subtraction. But when she was in public school she was taught and encouraged to "count it out". I think this is a good method, to a point, and then one needs to know certain basic facts and how to manipulate these facts to get to an answer quickly. (Bob thinks so too). So although we're helping Gabi to move forward in her math skills, we're also working hard with her on "speed" with knowledge (She loves a good challenge - the speed is a way for her to challenge herself - something we're trying to get her to focus on as opposed to racing against someone else).

As fun and reinforcement, Bob spent a late night teaching Gabi how to play Cribbage. She loves the game! She and I also played it again today with me encouraging her to "guess" the number using certain logics when adding the numbers together. She's starting to see how to break things into parts (ie: 5+8 : start with 5 get to 10 (5 more) what is left (8-5 or 3) 10 and 3, total is 13), as well as certain short cuts (like adding 10 to a number only means you increase the 10's position with the 1's position remaining the same). She really loves this. (Though there are times when you can see it's hard for her to work the numbers as quickly as she'd like without straight out counting)


The Bertone's said...

I love cribbage too! I learned to play with my Great Grandfather, when I was a child. I can't wait to teach Hunter, which will be soon. Although, he needs to be able to focus first! :)

berrypatch said...

I love using games in our homeschool. The kids seem to enjoy it so much more as well & don't even realize that they are learning. :-)